Bullet Heaven is a game by the popular Newgrounds.com user, Matt-likes-swords. It is based off the style of popular straight down view RPG games but also incorporates a bullet hell element into the mix. The characters are original and chibi-styled, with very big eyes, cute little faces and are all unique. Their in-game design is top down so you can only see the characters back but I think it still works effectively. The enemies are all very cute too, albeit they look more monstrous, as to look more like enemies. I think that I want my game to be kind of cartoony, but less cute and either more retro with 16-bit sprites or modernised and darker.
Super Meat Boy is an indie platformer created by Team Meat in 2010. It is one of the most highly rated indie games ever and has achieved more than 3,000,000 downloads since it's release. It is based around a little red meat boy that is trying to save his girlfriend. The game is stupidly difficult but the controls are so good that when you die, it's always your fault. The character design is very clever as the cuteness of the characters is very different in comparison to the multiple death nature of the game. I love these designs and I would like a rather small but cute hero for my own game.
Time Fcuk is a popular indie game created in 2009 for the site Newgrounds.com. It is based around the concept of switching from one plane of existence to the next, with different platforms to jump on in each existence. The characters here are so simple but they scream emotion. The simply black and white characters contrast beautifully with the coloured world and I love these designs. I want the character for my game to be human like, like these characters, but with a little more detail.
As I have now concluded I want to have a small, human character to be the star of my game, I will now into research of human character design, both in-game and fan-art, along with some real pictures.
 As I want my character to be a young humanoid, preferably a male, I have taken various images of male child models from the internet in order to decide what kind of look might be best for my character. I think a humanoid shape is the best way to go but as of now I am unsure as to whether I want my character to actually be human. I would prefer a more humanoid creature in shape.

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