This is my evaluation for the advert that I created with my partner, Joel Thomas, for unit 33 of our media course. During this evaluation I will comprehensively explain and discuss our development, my personal progress, our group’s progress as a whole and also how I think the advert ultimately turned out.

The development of our advert was very good to begin with, as we worked our way through various pieces of research on stop-motion animation and also on adverts to decide what style of stop-motion we would use, and what our advert would be about. We finally decided to make an advert on a food product before choosing a cake. We also decided that we would like to include ourselves in the stop-motion, as it would be an element unique to our group’s film. We worked our way through the pre-production stage at an effective pace and then created the set for our stop-motion. We encountered some problems with how to create a bowl for a side-on view, however some quick thinking from myself allowed us to simply cut the bowl in half. This was much easier said than done.

We moved onto the production stage and we worked together very coherently to get the footage filmed using an application called Stop Motion Pro, but I did encounter a problem during the production stage that is personal to me. The problem was my partner Joel. He was ill during this stage of our project that meant I had to film around 80% of the footage myself, which is extremely difficult when trying to operate a camera and move pieces at the same time. I did persevere however, and managed to complete the filming just as Joel regained his health and joined me for the final stage, post-production.

Post-production was finished rather easily as our footage had been so well planned out and filmed to the highest standards. We gathered sound clips and edited the film together with little setbacks. However, rendering the film was seemingly impossible as every time we did in the required format of .mp3, our rendered advert continuously flashed green whilst playing. To prevent this we had to render our film in the format of .mp4 and uploaded it to the site in it’s finished form. With that, Joel and myself completed the advert first in our group, and all of our work was finished to a high standard.

I believe my personal progress has been very good as I have had to work for effectively 1/3 of the project without a partner, and because of this I had to devise various ways of working and multitasking by myself. I also edited 1/2 of our footage to a high quality of work and all of my pre-production work has been scanned in high quality and annotated accordingly. My blog has also been created with in-depth descriptions to all of my work and has been formatted in an effective way. Our progress as a group has been relatively good, although we haven’t been without our drawbacks. Joel being ill really put a lot of pressure on myself to finish an amount of tasks meant for two individuals. However, we I was with Joel we worked to the best of our abilities and produced some excellent pieces of work, including our finished advert.

The final outcome of our work is a sublimely edited and smooth looking piece of stop-motion animation that I feel could be shown as an advert on television. Everything from the music to the editing oozes fun whilst also looking very effective. I am very proud to say I have created this production alongside Joel, as it has been a fun, educational experience with the outcome being a fantastic advert that I will remember as one of my favourite productions.

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