This is the post that will hold all of our Storyboard slides, as well as annotate each screen with appropriate information, such as camera angles, what is happening, etc.
Slide 1) Mid-shot of Ryan and Joel standing in front of a table. Both of them wave and place their arms on the table. Their individual chef hats move up the arms and onto their heads.
Slide 2) Mid-shot of Ryan and Joel throwing the ingredients up into the air, where they all fall in place. (This will be done using a green screen, thud sound effect)
Slide 3) The flour bag opens by itself and the flour flies freely into the bowl. (Pouring sound effect)
Slide 4) The sugar bag opens by itself and the sugar flies freely into the bowl. (Pouring sound effect)
Slide 5) Eggs fly into air and crack by themselves. The insides then drop into the bowl. (Cracking sound, plopping sound).
Slide 6) Butter moves along table before sliding into the bowl. it leaves a greasy trail behind it, for realism and believability. (Squashing sound, whooshing sound).
Slide 7) We wave our hands over the bowl and a cake magically rises up out of the bowl. We lift the cake in celebration and the logo appears. (Magic sound, zelda noise).


Since myself and Joel have begun the production, we have that there are either better options in some scenes, or that some things are too difficult. In order to save ourselves time within the project by not re-doing another storyboard, I will list the more notable changes here:
  • Main music for entire film is now "Baked a Cake" by Eileen Barton.
  • Myself and Joel have removed ourselves from the animation so that only our hands feature in it.
  • We have removed the "throwing ingredients up" scene and have also removed the ending "holding the cake" scene.
  • We have added a "stirring the bowl" scene along with a "thumbs up" scene on which the movie now ends.
This post will be dedicated to the various photo's that we have found. These images inspired us to create our initial advert ideas.
These images represent the 50's classic house wife, that stayed at home cooking and cleaning the house whilst the man went out to work. This was one of the major inspirations for us as it truly captured the essence of what a cake represents; a delicious dessert that has been made lovingly by a caring mother, whom has worked hard to create it. We really wanted to capture this essence and feeling in our advert.